Green Finance Awards for institutions - 2019

In 2019, for the first time, the MNB Green Finance Award was given to the credit, investment and insurance institutions that had done the most to reduce their ecological footprint.

In the first year, institutions became eligible for the awards by submitting applications. The evaluation of the applications and the awarding of the prizes were carried out by a professional jury on the basis of the criteria set out in the call for proposals. The Committee was composed of the Governor and senior management of the MNB and external experts invited by the central bank. The most environmentally responsible financial service providers are eligible to carry the title and use the Green Finance Award logo for one year.

In 2019, the Green Finance Award jury, taking into account all the award criteria, awarded the Green Bank Award to K&H Bank Zrt. The Green Insurance Award was given to KÖBE Közép-európai Kölcsönös Biztosító Egyesület. The Green Investment Services Award was given to Vertis Környezetvédelmi Pénzügyi Zrt. for its green activities. The Green Financial Innovator Special Award was won by Gránit Bank Zrt. The Green Finance Award, the overall category of the competition, was awarded by the jury to OTP Bank Nyrt.

The Green Finance Awards has been presented annually since 2021, with a renewed structure.